The earth, round.
Thought flat.
Now a truth?
Or theory,
Turned fact?
Thinking hurts.
Is where it's at.
Austin Healy wheel. Petaluma, CA
Is it always,
The darkest,
Before dawn?
Is life,
Just a game,
Are we're,
merely a Pawn?
Do we,
Flame-out red,
We drop dead?
I will no more,
And go,
Shower Instead.
Red leaf on blue chair. West Sonoma County
Another year,
Another cake,
Better a birthday,
Than a wake.
Life's strange,
Quite insane,
Happy B-Day,
Dear ol' Duane.
Banana Birthday cake. Santa Rosa, CA

Life's a game.
Maybe more,
Like an auto race.
You get to steer,
Stop 'n start,
At your own pace.
One thing's certain,
Ain't about luck.
And nothing'll,
Happen, til ya get in,
And start 'er up.
Austin Healey interior. Petaluma, CA
Rock beats,
Scissors, no matter,
The weather.
Though Rock,
Can be conquered,
With Feather?
Feather on Rock. Sebastopol, CA
To live in rhyme:
How sweet,
And sublime.
The word Ford,
Makes me,
Ponder the Lord.
The word TRUCK,
makes me...
Think what you're thinking.
Ford Truck. Santa Rosa, CA.

If I had feathery wings to fly,
I would.
Breath with gills underwater,
If I could.
But GOD gave me legs 'n lungs...
It's all good.
Austin Healey. Petaluma, CA.