Please do not adjust,
Your monitor,
Or your TV's flat screen.
These eggs,
Aren't white; but rather,
Shades of green.
I have a great idea!
Fire up the grill,
Cook up some food.
Inivite "Sam I Am"
And that other,
Crotchety old dude.
Seems he recently had,
A change of heart.
He's a brand new man!
And now likes,
Green eggs; with of course,
A side of ham.
Green eggs. Arcata, CA
Note: Eggs laid by an Araucana chicken.
Washed onto shore,
Yards from the sea.
This aquatic creature,
Fascinated me.
Was it really different,
From you or me?
It's made of the same stuff,
Scientists agree.
So did it feel love?
Long to be free?
Ask the questions,
"To be? Or not to be?"
Struggle to find purpose?
Seeking the key?
Or simply ride the tides,
Livin' carefree.
Sea plant. Trinidad Bay, CA
I was wondering,
What's he thinking?
Sitting so stoically,
Not even blinking.
Was he wondering,
The very same thing?
My regal subject,
This Trinidad King.
Dog in red truck. Trinidad, CA
Sometimes I feel really, really big,
Sometimes, small.
Sometimes I want to laugh out-loud,
Sometimes, quietly bawl.
Sometimes I see the point of life,
Sometimes, not at all.
Giant Redwood trees. Trinidad, CA

A Nash Rambler,
Created: 1959.
Not only it's date of birth,
But also, mine.
1959 Nash Rambler. Trinidad, CA
As you're,
A lover's lie,
Or a baby's cry,
Why we live,
Or why we die.
Don't forget,
To savour the pie.
Blackberry pie with ice cream. Trinidad, CA
My blog:
About things,
I've seen,
And places,
I've been.
Like Trinidad Bay,
And buoy,
Buoy #13. Trinidad, CA
Some religions,
Take a bad rap.
Hypocritical preachers,
Dish out,
Moralizing crap.
Me; I follow,
My own set of rules.
Praising GOD each morn,
And having,
One spiritual poo.
Abandoned RV and Outhouse. Petaluma, CA
Do we reflect the world?
Or the other way round?
Outward do we seek truths?
Or inward, are they found?
If a tree falls on my Airstream,
Will it make a sound?
Airstream reflection. Trinidad, CA
Last week's facts:
Extension filing tax,
To San Francisco and back,
Getting the Airstreamin' knack,
And receiving a gift of Bruna's axe.
Bruna's axe. Petaluma, CA
Three days of rain,
My boots quite wet.
The plans to head,
To Eureka,
Are pretty much set.
Boots drying in fire. Petaluma, CA
There once was a man named Eamer,
Who refused to live like non-dairy Creamer,
So he put on his big ol' hat,
And said, "You can screw that!
I'm gonna keep bein' a Half & Half Dreamer!"
Me. Petaluma, CA
Petaluma's Pinky's Pizza.
Petaluma's Pinky's Pizza.
Petaluma's Pinky's Pizza.
Petaluma's Pinky's Pizza.
Petaluma's Pinky's Pizza.
Petaluma's Pinky's Pizza.
Say that six times fast.
Oh, I guess ya just did.
Pinky's Pizza. Petaluma, CA
Beneath an old tree,
With spiritual force,
I was blessed by,
Reverend Windhorse
Reverend Windhorse. Malibu, CA

Iron paws, a velvet heart,
And an official name of Terry.
Never resting, always alert,
Even though I may be weary.
Guarding the Ambassador,
Whether blustery or merry.
Iron Boston Terrier. Malibu, CA
Up against the wall!
Spread 'em!
You're all in deep shit.
Everyone's under arrest,
The charge:
Partying without a permit.
The Usual Suspects. Malibu, CA

To change my life,
I did seek;
Or should I say,
Now that I have my,
Or should I say,
Land Yacht.
1965 Airstream. [Land Yacht] Malibu, CA